Michele Weeks - Top Ten
1.If you were famous what would your stage name be?
My quest to help others, coupled with my love for public speaking has always opened doors for me. I am very active in speaking to organizations about the "Art of Being Grateful" and have been selected as the key-note speaker for the Utah Heart Associationʼs Go Red Luncheon.
2.If you would attend a celebrity wedding which, would it be?
I love to explore other peopleʼs cultures and customs. I have traveled to over 35 countries and enjoy listening and learning about other peopleʼs lives. With each visit, I learn more about the human race. The continual theme I hear; happiness does not come from wealth, it comes from within.
3.What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
Living in Utah has given me a tremendous opportunity to enjoy nature through sports. My family skis, plays golf, hikes and loves to swim. Now that my parents are in there 80ʼs and still very active, I know the key to living a long healthy life is through exercise.
4.What is the most random fact you know?
The family values system is our common thread that teaches each of us how to behave in our family and communities. Our family values include our moral beliefs, our ethical responsibly to society and our personal standards in respecting each other and nature.
5.What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
I try to fit 48 hours worth of activities into 24 hours. As I have gotten older, time flies by too fast, and there are so many things I want to do. I have to learn to be patient and realize everything does not have to be done today.
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